An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


It's June and it's winter! It is still an odd thing to get used to. June should be summer in my mind, always will be.

It's funny how watching something can trigger a memory. Growing up my brother and I used to fight over 2 melamine dinner plates that we got from McDonald's. I can remember the round plate very well. It had a picture of Ronald raking up leaves and then Grimace running into the pile to mess it up. It also was worded: "Ronald McDonald likes to have great fall fun, but wait until poor Grimace sees what he's done!"

Yesterday I decided to take the kids outside for some fresh air and got to raking the leaves. Madelynn without any prompting from me...started running and jumping into the freshly raked pile.

Do kids have instincts for this stuff?

The minute she did it all I could think about was that plate that Michael and I used to fight over at dinner time. Ah...memories!


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