An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Spiderman in training

Some days I just want to scream...Do they want to see me locked up in a rubber room with no key? Do they really want to be raised by a single parent? Shipped off in a box to their grandparents? I don't know what my children's motives are but I just know one day they are going to take me away.

Aidan and his climbing is driving me nuts! He's such an active baby! (14 months old in 2 days) Is it because he's a boy? Or are my children just more physical? Madelynn was very good at climbing and had the running and climbing down early but Aidan he takes the cake!!!!

Today he fell off the couch twice because he tried to jump! He's got a nice little raised mark on his forehead where he landed. He got it because he landed on one of those magnetic alphabet/numbers you put on the fridge for the kids to play with. I'm convinced he got my coordination (or lack thereof) and if he had been a girl I should have named him Grace.

After his nap today he figured out how to climb up on the dining room chair. I turned around and there he was! Sitting in the chair like a big boy. The look on his face was so cute...grinning from ear to ear "Look at me Mommy!" So being the proud mom what do I do? I run for the camera of course, only to come back and see him standing on the table doing his version of a native American Indian dance.

So all day long it was chase Aidan off the table top. I honestly wouldn't care if he climbed up there as I've found that as long as you usually don't make a big deal out of things he loses interest quickly and then it's not a problem. But this guy would fall off because he's just that much of a busy boy. He'd probably try to jump and see if he could fly. He's only 14 months old for heaven sake, where did this incredible desire to spend all his time in the emergency room come from?

When Brendon came home from work he was quick to show Daddy his new skills. I could tell Brendon was impressed deep down and was trying to hide it. His "That's my boy!" chest started to swell before he told the boy to get down. So after a long, hard and exhausting day of chasing Aidan here I am ready to head to bed and the boy cries. So I went to check on him and he wanted a cuddle. I picked him up and he smiled and stopped crying. He snuggled into my chest and said "ducka ducka ducka" I don't know what it means but I think it was "Thanks for catching me again Mommy".


At 10:22 AM, Blogger Hannah said...

Hi Michelle! I followed a link from Christi's blog and enjoyed reading about your lovely children!

As for the climbing ... I say it is a boy thing. I've got 2 boys and they have both done the climbing thing from an early age. Tyler, my 21-month-old, is particularly daring and doesn't appear to have any concept of fear. He will dive off furniture (onto the floor), jump into the pool/sea and throw himself headfirst down a slide.

I bet I'm going to turn grey before I'm 30!


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