An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A good day for Madelynn

After the last blog entry I just was dreading today. It's been nothing but day after day of battling with Madelynn over everything but....Today was a good day!! We introduced the toilet training chart with stars for her. Told her every time she goes to the toilet she get star, every time she wets her pants she loses one. When she gets five she gets a prize/treat. She says "o-white" (alright) and runs to the toilet! LOL

It only took her about 10 minutes to catch on and she had her 1st star. She earned three through the day and lost only one. She was a bit upset with losing one so I thought that was good. She's learned that she needs to work harder.

Then she had her appointment at the audiology department at the hospital. Everything is GREAT! She can hear!!!!! No hearing loss at all. She finally passed all her test with flying colors. That was a huge relief for Brendon and I. Madelynn seems to enjoy it too, she got into wearing those headphones for the tone tests.

And the icing on the cake...the preschool called and she starts this Thursday! I just feel so darn happy as we've just had bad day after bad day with her and today it was a nice change.


At 11:26 PM, Blogger Christi said...

That happens! You feel like you are at the end of the rope and nothing can get better from there. And it does! I often see it with Kamryn and then it makes me feel stink for the days I was horrible to her. At the end of the day, I tell myself they are just little beings trying to make it and they didn't ask to be here but they are here and are ours.

Great to hear that Madelynn's hearing is fine! And yeah on the potty training and the kindy!!!

At 7:38 AM, Blogger Hannah said...

Glad you had such a nice day today, with all those things to be thankful for. Congratulations on the potty training success and the great results of the hearing test. Oh, and it is wonderful that Madelynn has been accepted to preschool, I'm sure she will love it and it will help with her potty training when she sees other kids doing it (it helped with Ethan).

YAY for good days!

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Julia said...

Michelle, keep in mind that some of your most intelligent relatives had the most difficult starts in life. Your Uncle Bruce was a very, very intelligent person - but his emotional development and his ability to communicate always lagged behind. With new strides in education, and Madelynn heading off to pre-school, I think you will be amazed at the progress she makes - soon!!

At 1:23 PM, Blogger Michelle said...


boy are you turning kiwi..."feel stink" LOL You might be more Kiwi than you thought! You're right though, when I check on her before I go to bed and she's deep asleep I tell her sorry for being so hard on her etc...


I hope so or I'm gonna be in that big rubber room soon!


thank you, I do ohpe your right.


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