An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Friday, June 30, 2006

The Boy's 1st Shiner

There it is! My son is an over-achiever, it only took 14 months for him to get that nice black eye. How did it get it?

My son the neighborhood bully? No

The klutz? No (do not rule this out for future accidents he is mine after all)

He decided to try once again to eat the cats tail and he lost.
Aidan learns things the hard way.

As I watch Aidan-Boy (as Madelynn calls him) bumble through his 2nd year of life I wonder how he's made it this far.

At 8 months old---His 1st concussion when his stupid parents each thought the other was watching him and he tumbled down the stairs in his walker.

At 11 months---His 2nd concussion when his klutzy mom drops him hard on the concrete when she trips over the sidewalk.

At 12 months---Walks into the door frame and has the bump on his right temple the size of a large egg

At 13 months---Learns walking isn't all it's cracked up to be and falls on the same sidewalk I tripped on holding him and cut open his lip

At 14 months---He mastered climbing EVERYTHING although doesn't master how not to fall.

At 14 1/2 months---The battles with Gretel the cat begin.

This little guy is just covered in bruises! The other day I laid him down to change his diaper and I could see under his chin he had several faint ones. How the heck did he get any there? Yesterday I took Madelynn to preschool and I was worried someone was going to report me for child abuse.

My biggest fear for the boy at the moment is the oven. I cannot keep him away from it. I walked around the corner the other and he had the door open and was crawling into it. He already was on all 4 on the door. Thank heavens it was not in use and we were eating microwave reheated leftovers for dinner.

He has no fear and I thought Madelynn was a busy baby! Aidan has her beat hands down. Hope Papa has a nice comfy lawn chair and lots of popcorn because watching this boy is going to be entertaining for a long time to come.


At 10:44 AM, Blogger Christi said...

It must be a boy thing! Kamryn still gets many bruises on her legs and Lauryn was known for getting bruises on her forehead four about 4 months strong lol. They just can't be avoided lol. Sometimes I wonder how they get them where they do too. Kids!

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

It IS a boy thing! Mine are both covered in bruises. They are always getting hurt but like Christi says it just can't be avoided sometimes!

I bruise really easily so bear in mind some people get bruises much easier than others, and it doesn't always mean that they've hurt themselves. Most of the time I find bruises and can't remember doing anything to cause them. It has something to with how your blood clots, and I think it can be genetic. Which could explain SOME of my boys' bruises, although most of them are from "being boys", LOL!

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Internet Street Philosopher said...

He's a tough customer all right and has a guardian angel or two looking out for him. But he will be fine.

At 12:34 AM, Blogger Christi said...

I agree with Hannah. Hugh used to bruise easily when he was a child. I just think mine have inherited that from him. We've had Kamryn checked for leukemia as we were a bit concerned about all the bruising. It looks horrible some times. And she gets this really large hard ones that shock me the most.


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