An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Spoon

What is approximately 3 inches long, blue, plastic and caused Madelynn to go into hysterics? A lost spoon! Madelynn has never been afraid of the bath drain. Almost since the day she could sit up in the bath she was playing with the drain, sticking her fingers in it when the water goes down it and giggling. Well yesterday you would have though the sky was falling! Aidan and Madelynn were having their bath and I told her it was time to get out, pick up the toys as I was pulling the plug.

As usual she didn't listen, I picked up most of the toys and only a few were left in the water as I got Aidan out. The water made that "ssssggggggggggg" sound as it does when something is blocking the drain and Madelynn just lost the plot! Tears from nowhere yelling for her spoon. She thought it had gone down the drain. Now this is a little spoon that matches her tea set she got for her birthday that I thought wouldn't have gone down. "Oh well, I told her we can't get it back" Stupid thing to say, I found out. Madelynn just cried harder. I have never seen her this way, and over a spoon no less.

She was inconsolable, she even didn't want her game before bedtime etc....So I thought, I would try to trick her. I found another of the spoons from the set and went to the bath and then called her in and I "magically" pulled the spoon out of the drain. She was much happier but she still looked rather upset.

After managing to calm her down I tucked her in bed after her story and she wanted to sleep with the spoon! I refused knowing she'd lose every 5 minutes and I'd have to go and find it in her blankets. I left it on the dresser and she knew where it was.

5 minutes later she calls me "Mommy! Mommy!" almost crying again, "Poon pees!" (spoon, please) I said no and I told her it was going out in the hallway on the bookshelf until morning. She was happy with that and I was relieved as it meant I could get 2 hrs of peaceful TV time.

3:30 am this morning she's crying for me and what the heck does she want? Yep, that spoon! I told her she could have it when the sun came up. Now, I'm really starting to hate that stupid little spoon because it was the 1st night in weeks that I was having a sleep without crying babies!!!!!

6:45 am I hear here "Mommy, I poon!, Mommy...Mommy!...Mommy poon pees!" I go I get up and hand her the spoon and tell her to be quiet so she doesn't wake up Aidan. Too late he's up now.

She took that spoon everywhere today and I mean everywhere! It made her happy, she was pretty well behaved I could finally deal with the spoon.

The icing on the cake? We got into the bath tonight and she started to cry for the spoon again. I handed her some other toys to play with and she just got more and more upset. I finally emptied out a plastic bucket that was in the bath and what do you think was in that? Yep, you guessed it...the spoon that "supposedly" went down the drain last night and She DIDN'T want it!! What??

3 year olds! UGH!!


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