An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Back from the living dead

We are alive! After being sick for weeks I've just had enough. Bring me summer NOW!

If you remember from one of my previous posts my brother in law came over nearly 4 weeks ago and brought his infected children. We really got it bad. 1st Aidan got it, nasty cold and thinking back I think he might have had an ear infection but he never showed any signs so I didn't worry about it.

Then I got it. I think I had a version of bronchitis. I never had the runny nose but it hurt to breathe and cough etc...It was just the same as when I had bronchitis just before I got pregnant with Aidan.

Brendon, the biggest baby of them all got it next. He got the same as Aidan and I combined and he went days without sleep. He also had a business trip in the middle that couldn't be cancelled so that didn't help. All the stress on his body of being sick brought out a cold sore for him too. Try explaining that to Madelynn, she just couldn't understand why Daddy couldn't give her kisses.

And finally Madelynn....The strongest horse of us all. My girl who has only had 1 course of anti-biotics her whole life. She got it and she was bad. Ear infections in both ears, cold, cough. High fevers of 103 degrees. She was so bad that the snot was coming out her eyes. Talk about gross, I thought I was gonna puke when that doctor told me that was what it was. I'd never heard of it. She said that there was so much snot that it didn't have anywhere to go.

Dr. Mom once again nursed everyone to health. Why is it everyone can get a sick day around here but me?


At 10:15 AM, Blogger Christi said...

Yep, we had the same thing here. It's gone around the whole house! Hugh is working on it now. Kamryn had the gunk coming out her eyes too. I never seen it before but she was sooooooo blocked and nothing was coming out so that was the only place it could get out. I hear ya about us not being able to be sick. Hugh misses a day of work and thinks he can sleep cause he's sick. Sorry, I still have to get up and function, so so do you! Or he does this whiney 'I'm sick'. Whatever, join the club but you ain't sitting back and taking it easy. Sorry, he gets no sympathy here lol.

At 2:33 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

Same here!! Only it was a few weeks before everybody else, lol! My kids are STILL coughing after more than 2 weeks. I've had enough sinus infections to last a decade and hoping I don't get any more!

It really sucks when the whole family is sick, especially the kids. I hate it.



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