An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Missing the desert heat....

Oh how I miss the desert! Yes, I do mean desert and not dessert!

Right now back home, it's sunny and hotter than hell. Mom said it was in the high 90's over the weekend. (That is in Fahrenheit not Celsius) and the humidity is about 20%. Which means no mold and mildew!!

Coming from an area that never had to worry about cleaning the mold and mildew off things this is one of my least favorite things of New Zealand.

This is what I found behind my stove yesterday. It had started to creep around the walls so I noticed it. Of course to make things even harder is the fact that it is on wallpaper. I'm convinced Kiwi's have some sick fascination about wallpaper. They have it everywhere, I don't understand why! It's so damp and humid it just comes off the walls so it looks terrible.

After scrubbing this mess for about an hour I only got most of it off. That was using a 50/50 bleach and water mix. I'd use higher but I get pretty sick from it. It's a pretty miserable thing when you have this in every room of the house and in every window sill.


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Christi said...

I CANNOT stand the mildew and mold either! At the last place we rented, the land agent made a comment on an inspection that the mold on the window sills needed cleaned! :o I was pissed, made Hugh do it lol cause it made me so made and I wasn't about to do something like clean mold just to pass an inspection. And he came back a week later to check that it was done!!!

Our entire house now is wallpapered!!! I'm pretty sure wallpaper went out years ago lol. But you are right, ours curls. Then the girls pull it and it's ripped in certain areas. No doubt we'll get called out for that when we move!

Try Jif. I'm a FIRM believer in Jif. I can get pen and pencil marks off the paint and wallpaper with it. Good luck ;)

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

We've never rented via a land agent. I reckon though if we did it wouldn't last long as I'd tell them to get f*#*#*ed! Seriously!

We have been so lucky with the wallpaper here. When Maddie was 16 months old she took a red crayon all over the wall above the couch. We thought we were done for but thanks to the miracle of American products...Mr. Clean Magic Erasers the Landlords are none the wiser. LOL

Oh and toothpaste doesn't work too badly either if you need something in a hurry.

At 11:17 AM, Blogger Lara said...

do you want to come & do mine either! When we moved into this house we had to clean away the mould & grime from behind fridges & stoves. Luckily it's a painted house though as it's easier to clean. Jif is fantastic! We've often gone through land agents & have never had any problems. I actually like that they are generally professional about it & have no emotional attachments to the house.


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