An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Rude & Smelly Bookworms

Brendon is an AVID reader. He can be reading 3 or more books at any given time and they don't last long. I love the fact that he reads. I hope my kids read just like him. His weakness is book fairs! Oh my stars, if he knows of one we have to go and he would spend hours (if i would let him) sifting though the boxes and tables looking for books.

Friday there was a book fair in Hamilton and he was so excited he took the morning off work. We dropped the kids off at my sister in laws and picked up my brother in law. He's another bookworm as well. We get there about 10 minutes before it opens and we wait in line. Brendon's complaining because we didn't get there in time to be first.

I don't mind them but I must admit this time I was totally disgusted by the whole event. This was held in a church hall...a SMALL church hall. These people ran like it was a race when they let the doors open. They were vultures, pushing and shoving like it was some super sale at a top notch store. If you put a book down it was quickly grabbed up.

I made my way to the children's books looking for some new books for Madelynn and I just about punched 2 people. I reached down for a book and I had my hand on the corner of it just starting to pick up when someone snatched it out of my hands! I looked at them and they just smirked. I was so dumbfounded I was at a loss for words and that is a rare occasion when I have nothing to say.

Next, I was standing sideways to get to the books and I shifted so that I could reach another book some Asian lady literally pushed me out of the way with her whole body. Not even looking back.

I muttered, "pardon me" and "excuse me" to several people just trying to move though the crowd and the crusty looks I got from the people I said it to were unreal. What happened to a smile on the face? Do book fairs make people lose all manners?

Brendon in the meantime, is happy as a clam. He has found a banana box and is filling it up. It's like Christmas to him. He doesn't even see me as I walk past to the cookbooks. Where I find some more rude bookworms. Only these are old ladies and they have decided to read each book to compare recipes before they add the books to their box. Not only will they not move and share the table but they open up the books on top of the other books so you cannot even see what is on the table. I was getting frustrated and kindly asked if I could have a look at what was under the book they had laid out. One old lady sneered "just wait deary!" I'm sorry, but I've been waiting for about 3 minutes now!!

I have found that the older the people the more rude they were! And the smell on the old men, OH MY GOD! Derek, Brendon and I both commented about one guy, who must have been in his early 50's. He must not have taken a bath in a month.

I can accept that there are smelly and rude people in the world. I however do not understand why older people complain about the lack of manners in today's youth. They complain how they cannot say please, thank you, your welcome, or excuse me. How in good conscience can they complain when I didn't hear it once in that book fair from our so called "elders"

In the end though Brendon is happy he spent $24.00 and walked away with his banana box full of used books. At least he's a cheap date!


At 11:35 AM, Blogger Christi said...

NZers on a whole must be avid book readers. Hugh's whole family is. I'm not :( But many an argument has been brought up over his damn books. I love that he reads too and like Brendan he has several he is reading at the same time. You should have told us there was a book fair on Friday. We would have went, I'm sure. We went to one a while back in Orewa. Hugh loves it! He's a sci-fi junkie so it's a good chance to grab a cheap book that I wouldn't let him buy way back when lol. Come on, you have to draw the line somewhere and it's at the $5 table lol.


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