An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Double Trouble

Since the family has been sick Madelynn is really missing her friends. She's not had playmates over for about a month. Yesterday I babysat Madelynn's 3 year old twin playmates, Tineke (pronounced Tee-nee-ka) & Oliver.

Not only are they good fun for Madelynn and Aidan, but because I do it, we get free video rentals because their parents own the local video store.

Now these two are pretty good, good as any 3 year old can be. The dynamics of twins is very fascinating. I love watching these guys. Sometimes Madelynn gets left out as they don't quite understand that they can do something without their twin. But yesterday was really good, I only had to take a couple of toys away because they were fighting over them. And they have finally reached an age where they can do something without adult interaction. They asked for the table and chairs and next thing I know they had all sat down, including Aidan and were having a tea party in the toy room. Talk about cute!

By the time they left at 12:30 much as I like having them around I'm even more happy that I didn't have twins or triplets!


At 2:31 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

Wow, I can't imagine watching three 3-year-olds as well as a toddler! You're a legend! I know what you mean about kids missing their friends when they are sick. Ethan gets grumpy when he's away from preschool or kindy for a day, because he misses his mates!


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