An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Why? Why? Why?

Can't I just have a house that isn't sick!?!?! UGH!! Yesterday about 4:00pm Aidan decided to throw up all over the kitchen floor. Thankfully he did do it on the lino so it was easy to clean up. Then about 10 mins later he did it again and my queasy stomach couldn't handle it so I threw up right along with him. Now if that wasn't fun to clean up!

Poor little guy was not well. He was hungry but just couldn't keep it down. He ate 2 bowls of dinner and a red popsicle and that all didn't stay down either.

He was miserable all night with the dry heaves and a runny bottom to boot. He is a little better today but you can just see how miserable he is in his face.

If summer doesn't get her quick so these kids can go out and play and get some fresh air I'm going to scream!


At 11:20 PM, Blogger Christi said...

Poor wee mite! Man, Michelle, you have definitely had your fair bit and MORE! I can not handle puke. I don't do puke well. I gag the entire time and virtually throw up myself. Hugh has to do it lol. Luckily mine haven't thrown up very much. Move up here! Walks on the beach could help even though the house prices are just as ridiculous lol.

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

Oh my goodness, you guys really have had some bad luck with illnesses this winter. You've had way more than your fair share!
I hope you guys are all on the mend soon and that your house stays illness-free for at least a year!!

At 8:21 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Thanks Hannah. I hope so too!

I'm with you on the puking Christie, not my thing. I must have inherited my mom's tummy. She used to say the same thing.

We are all still on the mend. Took Aidan back to the Doc today. Poor baby still can't keep hardly anything down. Doesn't even want his milk. And that's big for him! He just can't seem to shake this or the ear infection in his right ear.

Brendon's better like nothing hit him, but I'm still not right. I don't think I've been this sick (morning sickness excluded) for years.

and knock on wood, that little girl of mine she's still not got it. She's a strong one body and mind!

Hope both you guys are all staying healthy in your houses.



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