An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Here come the words...

Aidan is 20-months-old: Week 3 and according to Baby Center "Much of the groundwork for language acquisition has been laid, and now my toddler will focus on boosting his vocabulary. The average 20-month-old can learn 10 or more words a day (some learn a new word every 90 minutes)."

It is true at the moment around here, I swear I'm hearing a new word everytime I turn around. It's really and eye-opener and refreshing too. Madelynn didn't talk until last year at this time when she was nearly 3 year old. When she did it just came spilling out and that was that, but with Aidan it's fun because it's such a treat to hear him learning from us and Madelynn a new word.

In the last few days he is just amazing me...he popped up with "hungry" as we sat down for Christmas lunch.

Here is the list of other words he can say (I know I won't remember all at the moment)

  • water
  • pool
  • eat
  • cat
  • Dada
  • Mama
  • tree
  • out
  • car
  • beep-beep
  • animals sounds: moo, meow, woof, baa, horse
  • yes
  • No
  • blue
  • toot-toot
  • hi
  • bye-bye
  • bath
  • bike
  • bed
  • door
  • teeth
  • foot
  • nose
  • toes
  • pee
  • poo
  • butt
  • Baby
  • Wow
  • bum
  • me too
  • I do!
  • ball
  • my
  • uh-oh
What I do like to hear is when you ask him a question he says "no" but means yes and also he practices saying "no". He draws it out "nnnnoooo" over and over again just walking around. He's such a funny little man.


At 1:12 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

Yes, I know what you mean Michelle!! I too loved the age you are referring to (around 20 months) when both my boys started talking in earnest!! They were both fairly early talkers but it was around that age that their vocabs just exploded!! Even now, Tyler is 27 months and he is coming up with the funniest things!! Really elaborate sentences and putting words in there that I didn't realise he knew. I have really loved the past 6 months or so with his talking and learning - so much fun!!

I hope you continue to have fun with your little guy!! It's way more fun with the second because they pick up phrases and sayings from their older sibling, things that an only child just wouldn't know or think to say!! So lots of laughs all round :-)


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