An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

To you all! I managed to survive, but feel like I've been hit by a bus I'm so tired.

Some of the things that were highlights for me this year were:

On Christmas Eve Madelynn and I made reindeer food. We sprinkle it around the tree before bedtime and Aidan thought it was great stuff and threw it everywhere and then danced on it.

Madelynn has also been playing "baby Jesus" for the last 2 weeks. They had a manger in school and she would come home and play it here. She told us her name was Mary and Aidan was Joseph. She "borrowed" Aidan's blanky and asked Brendon to tie it around her head so she could be Mary. He did and it didn't last but a few minutes so she came back and told him to do it properly. What a kid!

Just so you know, Jesus was a modern version and wore a pink dress and rode around in the pink stroller. I told Brendon he was lucky that she didn't demand he be the donkey. LOL

On Christmas Eve afternoon we made a birthday cake for baby Jesus and I told her that Santa could have a piece. She was quite happy with that and wanted to know if we would sing happy birthday to him. I told he we would before we open presents in the morning. She then asked me. "What present did we get Baby Jesus?" I didn't know what to tell her. She's a clever little monkey.

Brendon told her today, you're a smart girl aren't you Madelynn, and she says "yes, and Beautiful too!" No modesty for my girl!

Christmas morning was fun. I'm still not used to opening gifts then as I was raised to do it on Christmas Eve, it just seems so strange. Anyway, Madelynn came into us at 3am sometime. I don't know if she wanted to open gifts or what but she doesn't usually get up and come to us. Took her back to bed and then Aidan was up at 4am. We didn't get up for gifts until 8am.

Maddie was pretty shocked that the reindeer food was actually gone and that Santa had eaten a piece of cake. She says, "LOOK he took some of baby Jesus' cake!" LOL

She didn't notice her scooter at first, each child went for the other's gift. She wanted Aidan's tent and he wanted the scooter.

Funny, the only present Aidan didn't want to open was the one with summer clothes from Nana, I think he realized it wasn't a toy. LOL He said "No!" and went to his tent.

I can't wait until tomorrow, the tree is going down as I've had enough fighting the kids to keep their hands off it and maybe I can find my living room floor again (for a short while anyway)

Hope you all had a lovely day as well.


At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a lovely Christmas!! Good job Maddelyn for being so keen to celebrate baby Jesus' birthday :-)

I hope you'll have a chance to rest now that the big day is over!


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