An American Housewife Down Under

The trials, tribulations and rantings of an American living in New Zealand.

Monday, November 06, 2006

She's a BIG girl now

We got a copy of her 1st class photo today. She looks so darn cute, just so pleased with herself. She loves going to preschool. They call it kindergarten here "kindy" for short and that just seems so strange. I just can't wrap my laughing gear around that one. Kindergarten is for 5 year olds in my mind and then primary school at age 6. Guess it's also too many years of mom working at the preschool and kindgergarten back home. I worry about the kids education here. It's not free to send them and I've been lucky enough to watch Caitlin go though all the levels from age 5 so I can't say I'm that impressed. She starts high school in February, damn Brendon's getting old! LOL

I'm happy to say that Brendon does feel the same way about the education system. He feels the school system here is severely lacking. So the sooner we can get back to the USA the better as we want a much better education for them.


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